


Photo 06-07-2017, 9 05 02 PM.jpg

Having a crazy month, so far.

First day of July, I got news I was denied a postgraduate scholarship in London I was applying for for months. It was heartbreaking. Had a good cry and spent the rest of the day cheering myself up (thank you also to my mama for treating me to an expensive lunch haha). So my Plan A was a bust, but good thing I prepared a Plan B.

The very next day I spent the whole day looking through apartment listings online. Kris and I have been wanting to move to a new apartment/studio for a while, and now is the time. I saw the perfect place online and fell in love. We signed the contract immediately after. Celebrated my birthday just a few days ago as well, dancing and sweating (haha) with my good friends at Today x Future; and now, running around buying things for our new place. Super excited to move in!

And it's been only 11 days??


Here's my inspiration for next week. To be finally chilling with my cat in our new place.

"Sharp Teeth, Smart Mouth". Part of my collaborative show with Kris Abrigo and Habitat. Exhibit will be up until the end of this month at Habitat BGC Showroom.

"Sharp Teeth, Smart Mouth". Part of my collaborative show with Kris Abrigo and Habitat. Exhibit will be up until the end of this month at Habitat BGC Showroom.

Soleil Ignacio